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Bassam presents at the Clinical Neurological Society of America annual meeting

Bassam presents at the Clinical Neurological Society of America annual meeting

Bassam Bassam, M.D., recently presented at the CNSA annual meeting and will be presenting at two upcoming national conferences.

Published Mar 21st, 2023

Bassam Bassam, M.D., senior neuromuscular specialist at USA Health, recently presented a lecture, “Acquired Inflammatory Myopathies,” at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Neurological Society of America.

“I am thankful to have been asked to present, yet again, at this meeting,” said Bassam, professor of neurology at the Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine at the University of South Alabama. “The CNSA pushes neurology-focused medical professionals to improve patient care by providing updates to treatment options and disease pathology.”

Currently, Bassam serves as chair of the neuromuscular session and a member of the Scientific Program Committee with the CNSA. He also is organizing the upcoming CNSA 2024 annual meeting.

Download the slides from his presentation [PDF].

He also has been invited to present at two upcoming events:

  • 7th Annual Neuromuscular Seminar at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, on April 15. He will be presenting his lecture, “The Sound of Muscles.” Learn more about the seminar.
  • American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, November 1-4. He will be presenting “Nerve Conduction Pitfalls.” Learn more about the seminar.

Bassam also has been nominated by the AANEM for the 2023 Distinguished Physician Award.

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