More than 115 car seats distributed to local families in 2024
“We are dedicated to promoting safety and health equity in our community. We are leading efforts in car seat safety and other initiatives with our Safe Kids South Alabama coalition,” said Courtney Thomson, RNC-NIC.
Through an $18,110 grant from State Farm, the pediatric community outreach division at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital was able to provide more than 100 families with safety items and services this year to help them lead longer, better lives.
More than 115 car seats were given to those in need, while some 241 car seats were inspected by nationally certified technicians at free events throughout the community.
“We also trained 24 new child passenger safety technicians,” said Courtney Thomson, pediatric outreach education coordinator for the hospital. “We are dedicated to promoting safety and health equity in our community. We are leading efforts in car seat safety as well as other initiatives with our Safe Kids South Alabama coalition, such as water safety, fire and burn safety, and pedestrian and bike safety.”
Additionally, the hospital was able to purchase five Wallenburg seats for a loaner program for children with special needs such as those who were fitted with spica casts. A spica body cast is generally used to keep a child's hips and legs from moving after an injury or following surgery.
Local families and caregivers were also provided with child passenger safety and hot car education materials at early Head Start programs, safety fairs, community baby showers, the Mobile County Health Department’s Teen Center and hospital-based classes.
Plans for 2025 call for expanding car seat distribution and other outreach efforts to rural areas in the state and adding virtual classes to reach those who may not be able to attend an in-person gathering, Thomson said.
“I am so proud of our team,” said Thomson. “Our technicians participated in all these events throughout the year, and worked in extreme heat on many occasions to ensure car seats were installed correctly. Their passion for promoting safety is the reason we were able to help so many families.”