USA Health updates COVID return-to-work protocols for employees
Updates to the Employee Infection and Exposures Contingency Plan include new protocols for when employees must be tested for COVID-19 and when they may return to work after an illness or exposure.
USA Health has updated the protocols for when staff members may return to work following a COVID illness or exposure.
"As we learn more about the Omicron variant and how it is transmitted, we are adjusting our guidelines for when staff members need to be tested and when they can return to work," said Michael Chang, M.D., chief medical officer for USA Health. "The goal is to keep all of our employees and patients safe while also recognizing that vaccines still provide protection against the virus.”
USA Health encourages all employees to get vaccinated and to receive a booster as soon as they are eligible, Chang said.
The Employee Infection and Exposures Contingency Plan [PDF] now includes these requirements and restrictions:
Asymptomatic employees who have been exposed to COVID:
- Fully vaccinated: No work restrictions and no testing requirements. Employees must monitor symptoms and wear a KN95 mask for 14 days from the time of exposure at all times while in a healthcare facility.
- Unvaccinated: Test daily for five days after exposure using a Rapid COVID test. However, there are no work restrictions, and they must wear a KN95 mask for 14 days from the time of exposure while in a healthcare facility.
Symptomatic employees:
- COVID testing is required for all symptomatic employees regardless of vaccination status.
- Employees are allowed to return to work more quickly, usually after five to seven days.
- Five days: Staff may return to work after five days if symptoms have resolved and a Rapid COVID Antigen test is negative. Must be fever free for 24 hours and wear a KN95 mask for 10 days from the first day of symptoms.
- Seven days: COVID-positive employees may return to work without testing after seven days if symptoms have resolved. Must wear a KN95 mask for 10 days from the first day of symptoms.
Employees can request a testing appointment at the Employee Health office near Children’s & Women’s Hospital by calling 251-410-7629.
COVID-19 testing also is available at the Civic Center Expo Hall for USA Health patients and members of the public who call 1-888-USA-2650 or self-schedule a virtual visit online.