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Donations needed for USA Health’s global vaccine outreach in Peru

Help support global vaccination efforts by funding travel, food and lodging for the volunteer team. Funds also will help purchase syringes, protective gear, bandages and other needed supplies.

Published Jul 27th, 2021

A group of medical volunteers from USA Health is using its expertise in deploying mass quantities of COVID-19 vaccine to help people in Peru, a country with one of the world’s highest per capita death rates from COVID-19. Less than 5 percent of the population of Peru has been vaccinated.

In August, a team of USA Health volunteers will travel to Cusco, Peru, to establish a mass vaccine operation and deliver 5,000 vaccines from doses recently provided by the United States government. The USA Health team will establish operational procedures that will be sustained in coming months by teams from other academic centers.

Mobile-based Synergy Laboratories has pledged $10,000 in matching funds for the trip. Donations still are needed. To make a donation, visit:

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