Register now for financial webinars
Live webinars provide a great opportunity for USA and USA Health employees to learn more about retirement and start preparing financially for the future.
Among the upcoming sessions:
The Power of Savings, Wednesday, Aug. 17, at 11 a.m. In this webinar, you’ll learn a number of strategies for better managing your money, so you have the knowledge and confidence to pay your bills, save for a rainy day and achieve any larger financial goals you’ve set for yourself.
Writing Your Next Chapter: Five steps to setting your retirement date, Thursday, Aug. 18, at 11 a.m. For anyone starting to think seriously about when to retire, this webinar takes you through five steps to deciding when the time is right, including estimating retirement expenses, closing any income gap and understanding key milestones that can impact your retirement finances.
Help Protect You, Your Family and Your Money, Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 1 p.m. TIAA’s information security team will discuss how you can protect your self and your family from cyber-criminal social engineering.
For available webinars, registration and to watch past presentations on demand please visit