Gift shops offer free delivery inside hospitals
The gift shops at Children’s & Women’s Hospital and University Hospital are now reopened and offering complimentary delivery inside the hospitals.
The gift shops at Children’s & Women’s Hospital and University Hospital are now reopened and offering complimentary delivery inside the hospitals.
Staff members at each gift shop also can help pick out the perfect gift before delivering it to a patient at no extra charge. Both gift shops were closed for months because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
All proceeds from gift shop sales support the USA Health Auxiliary. The USA Health Auxiliary works to ensure impactful engagement for all health system volunteers, from greeters at University Hospital to waiting room support at Children’s & Women’s Hospital to “Chemo Sabes” at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.
The auxiliary, led by volunteers, oversees the hospital gift shops, retail kiosks and fundraising events that support patient comfort projects, employee recognition, holiday meals and other staff and patient needs.