Two employees win Great Catch awards
Great Catch awards are given to employees for instances in which they speak up for safety, escalate concerns, and go above and beyond the scope of their typical job duties. Each quarter, Safety MVPs are chosen for recognition from all Great Catch award winners for each USA Health facility.
Two USA Health employees were recognized for a Great Catch during the month of October. Great Catch awards are given to employees for instances in which they speak up for safety, escalate concerns, and go above and beyond the scope of their typical job duties.
The award winners for October were Bailey Byrne, a nurse in the MICU at University Hospital, and Ilyssa-Leigh Easton, a radiology technician.
The winner: Bailey Byrne, R.N.
The situation: Byrne, a nurse, was caring for a patient with an extremely low weight due to a medical condition. She received an order to administer an IV antibiotic at a rate that seemed too fast for the patient considering their weight and diagnosis.
What she did: Byrne called the pharmacist, who assured her that the rate was fine. Still feeling unsure, she called a pharmacist at Children’s & Women’s Hospital, recognizing that this pharmacist might have more experience with patients with very low weights. The Children’s & Women’s Hospital pharmacist was familiar with similar situations, and recommended the rate be slowed and that pre-treatment be given to prevent a reaction. The nurse relayed this information to the medical team, which agreed.
The Great Catch: Byrne used the Validate and Verify technique for the antibiotic order. Her use of the safety tool and her commitment to finding out the right answer allowed the patient to receive a full course of antibiotics without experiencing a reaction.
The winner: Ilyssa-Leigh Easton
The situation: Easton, a radiology technician, was leaving the operating room when she noticed a syringe of medication left out and unattended.
What she did: She stopped, picked up the syringe and immediately took it to the nearest nursing department, where it was properly wasted in the presence of a witness.
The Great Catch: The radiology tech made the extra effort to not only remove the syringe from an unauthorized area, but also sought out help with proper disposal.
Each quarter, Safety MVPs are chosen for recognition from all Great Catch award winners for each USA Health facility.