Spook-tacular festivities planned at USA Health
Don’t miss the Halloween events planned at USA Health hospitals.
Children’s & Women’s Hospital
On Tuesday, Oct. 31, a trunk-or-treat for patients will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the courtyard, followed by a staff skit and costume contest at 2 p.m. To participate in the contest, please sign up with Kim Wagner this week and be sure to include your group's theme song for the event playlist.
Providence Hospital
Bring pumpkins to the cafeteria on Monday, Oct. 30, from 7 to 8 a.m. for a pumpkin decorating contest. Decorations must be work appropriate and family friendly. On Tuesday, Oct. 31, staff are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes, shirts or scrubs. Please make sure costumes are appropriate to your work environment. Voting for the best pumpkins and costumes will occur on the Shared Governance site.
University Hospital
Join University Hospital for reverse trick-or-treating on Monday, Oct. 30. Participants will dress as storybook characters and give out candy to employees. Sign up with Chaplain Kim Crawford Meeks and tell her which character you will be. Meet outside the SIMS conference room on the second floor at 9:30 a.m.