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Walker Plash, M.D., an emergency medicine physician, shares some tips on preventing holiday-related injuries.

Published Dec 20th, 2022

Watch the FOX10 interview with Walker Plash, M.D.

Common injuries around the holidays:

  • Falls from ladders
    • Always face the ladder
    • Three points of contact
    • Never move or shift the ladder when occupied
    • Stable, level surface
    • Top of the ladder is not a step
  • Christmas tree fires – rare but more likely to be serious
    • Christmas trees are flammable
    • Never leave the lights on when no one is home or when everyone is asleep
    • No heat source near the tree (e.g., space heater, fireplace)
    • Never use lit candles to decorate the tree
    • Water the tree and remove it when it is dry
    • Check all lights to make sure they aren’t frayed/damaged
    • Avoid fragile ornaments low on the tree
    • Keep poisonous plants such as mistletoe and holly away from children and pets and off the low branches
  • Food Safety
    • Wash your hands frequently
    • Keep raw meat and fresh produce separate, avoid cross contamination
    • Refrigerate leftovers quickly (within 2 hours)
  • Frying turkeys – preferably don’t
    • If you do, thaw the turkey completely
    • Don’t use too much oil
    • Outside at least 10 feet from a structure
    • On flat ground
  • Car accidents
    • Drinking and driving leading cause of accidents
    • Don’t drink and drive – designated driver, taxi or rideshare service
    • Have non-alcoholic beverages available
    • Only time removes alcohol from your blood

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