Human Resources improves processes
Do you need a new badge, or are you seeking other help from Human Resources at USA Health? New processes make it more convenient for you to find what you need.
The USA Health Human Resources Department is working to make it as convenient as possible for staff members to get the information they need when they need it. Here are some process improvements:
New Badge Request Form
USA Health HR has a new badge request form that makes getting badges an all-digital process and easier for staff members. We now make them and ship them to employees. Here’s the link to the form which resides on the intranet Employee Hub: Badge Request Form
Moving up
The HR office at University Hospital has moved upstairs to the administration suite on the second floor, in Room 2-120. It will continue to function for HR-related questions, forms and information.
Looking for help from HR?
Electronic forms online: You can email the specific link to anyone who requests a form or print some for the office. When the form is updated, this link is too!
HR emails
- Front Desk:
- Benefits:
- Compensation:
- Employee Health: