Masking requirement lifted for non-patient-care areas
The policy is contingent on COVID positivity rates in the community remaining below critical levels, said Michael Chang, M.D., chief medical officer for USA Health.
As of Monday, April 11, masks are optional in USA Health non-patient-care areas, including cafeterias, construction areas, UHOP, CWEB and floors two through seven of the Mastin Building.
The policy is contingent on COVID positivity rates in the community remaining below critical levels, and it is subject to change as conditions warrant. Masks continue to be required in all patient-care areas, said Michael Chang, M.D., chief medical officer for USA Health.
“The prevalence of COVID-19 is going down in our community,” Chang said. “That gives the opportunity to start backing off on some of the procedures and policies that we had in place for protection during the height of the pandemic.”
Chang urged employees to continue to be vigilant in monitoring symptoms, isolating and masking when necessary. “Let’s keep the prevalence down so that we can get closer to back where life was before 2020,” he said.
In addition, pre-op and pre-procedure testing for COVID will be reserved for patients with new-onset COVID symptoms. If patients arrive on the day of their procedure with new onset of symptoms, a rapid or POC test will be performed.