Yes, masks are still required
Michael Chang, M.D., chief medical officer for USA Health, offers the following message regarding masks at USA Health facilities.

USA Health continues to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines related to wearing masks in the workplace. USA Health requires its employees and visitors to wear masks whenever they are inside a USA Health facility.
It is important for us at USA Health to set the example of best public health practices for our community. Masking has shown its value not only in reducing the number of cases of COVID-19, but also as it relates to other seasonal diseases like influenza and RSV.
We understand the inconvenience of wearing a mask. However, for the continued safety of you, your colleagues and the people who come to us for medical care, please continue to wear your masks.
I thank you for all you are doing at USA Health, not only related to COVID-19, but for the valuable healthcare you provide to those who come to our doors.
Michael Chang, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USA Health