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Meaningful Reflections with Chaplain Kim Crawford Meeks is a monthly column that provides words of encouragement for associates at USA Health.

Published Jan 3rd, 2023

By Kim Crawford Meeks
Spiritual Care Manager

Don’t think outside the box.

Live outside the box.

Feel outside the box.

Color outside the line with unexpected colors.

Wear glitter and pearls to walk down country roads and comfy clothes to work.

Disconnect the dots.

Bake when you want to and never as a chore.

Eat cake without icing and icing without cake.

Laugh out loud … very loudly and for a long time.

Cry ugly.

Hug daily. Nightly. Even if you are alone. Hug you.

Write yourself love notes. Why not?

Reach for the stars and stuff them in your pockets so that you are never in the dark again … look for light.

Play with puppies and simply say “puppy feet” when you don’t know what to say to comfort yourself.

Ask children to pray for you. Listen to them pray.

Stop to smell the roses … and the sugar cookies … and the ocean … and honeysuckles.

Watch sappy love stories because you refuse to stop believing in fairy tales.

Dance. Skip. Frolic in a meadow. Stop. Repeat.

Hold a hot drink. Allow it to fog your glasses so that you don’t have to see anything, if just for a moment. Sip. Inhale. Exhale.


Hear the snow.

Touch the sunshine.

Taste the wind.

Smell the rain.

See the love.

Feel alive.

Live your life.

Even in the midst of it all, reach out to connect.

Have faith in something higher and greater than yourself.

Where we stand right now is our reality. The step we are on is present life. We can live it to the fullest until we take our next step. For right now, we may live each moment with wisdom and grace. As we face the coming hours, days, and weeks, we must remember that taking on the past and future can be overwhelming. When we take the time to be in the present, where we literally are, we may experience some relief from guilt, anger, worry, and anxiety. Strive to rest on the current step, having faith that there will be enough light for the next step when it is time to move forward. Until that next step is illuminated, live in the moment as best you are able. If you need someone on the present step with you, reach out and ask, “Will you join me here?”

Patients, family members and USA Health associates are encouraged to call the Meaningful Reflections Line at 251-445-9016 for a daily recorded word of encouragement.

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