One of Us: Heather Kelly
One of Us is a series that provides a glimpse into the working world of USA Health, one employee at a time.

What’s your job? What does it entail?
I am a Patient Navigation Specialist II at the Pandemic Command Center. In my role, I work with both COVID testing and vaccinations. Like many others during the pandemic, I would say that my job entails really whatever the day brings! One day it could be scheduling appointments for companies in our area, and the next could be working a mass vaccination event.
What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
Seeing just how much our team is giving back to the community. I leave work every day feeling like I really made an impact.
What originally made you want to join USA Health?
The overwhelming sense of community inside our facilities that spreads into our local community. Our health system consistently shines bright by providing innovative care for the citizens of Mobile and surrounding areas. Honestly, who would not want to be a part of the best health system in the city?
How long have you been with USA Health?
Seven years.
What has working with USA Health taught you?
I have always considered myself to be a compassionate person. However, working with USA Health has truly taught me just how far a little compassion goes when working with our community. Patients come to us at some of their most vulnerable moments, and when we can welcome them with open and caring arms, it really makes such a difference.
Do you have any goals that you want to achieve in the health system?
Definitely! I hope to someday work in administration at either University Hospital or Children’s & Women’s. I have grown so much inside the health system over the years. I truly believe the possibility for growth is endless.
What is your favorite hobby or pastime outside of work?
Spending time with my husband and two little boys. Most nights you can catch us at the ballpark! Also, true crime podcasts are definitely my guilty pleasure.
Do you have any advice to give to people who want to work in the health system?
Come to work every day with an open mind, and never stop striving to learn new things!