One of Us: Imani McGadney
One of Us is a series that provides a glimpse into the working world of USA Health, one employee at a time.
What is your job? What does it entail? I’m a medical assistant. My day-to-day duties consist of patient care including taking vitals, injections, drug administration, electrocardiograms (EKGs), phlebotomies, etc. Currently, I am with USA Health’s Pandemic Response Team, and I help with administering COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 tests.
What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
Patient care. Being able to help patients and knowing how happy and appreciative they are when they are leaving. The appreciation just warms my heart.
What originally made you want to join USA Health?
Hearing how much help they are providing for people. I wanted to be that person to help and make a difference doing something for someone.
How long have you been with USA Health?
Two years and four months.
What has working with USA Health taught you?
I have learned the true ins and outs of patient care. Being a patient and working in the field give you totally different perspectives.
Do you have any goals that you want to achieve in the health system?
Yes, I plan to return to school for my nursing degree. Once I am done, I will work as a nurse for two years and return to school again to pursue registered nursing with anesthesiology.
What is your favorite hobby or pastime outside of work?
Shopping or just being a homebody. I like to bowl, hang out with friends and barbecue. Since we are in a pandemic, those things don’t happen anymore, and my shopping has turned into an online hobby.
Do you have any advice for people who want to work in the health system?
If you plan to work in this field, you have to be prepared for the good and bad days. Just go for it. It's a life-changing job. The best decision I have made was choosing this field as my career. You can do whatever you put your mind to.