One of Us: Kerry Flowers
Kerry Flowers said he liked what he saw in the people, the leadership, and the culture of USA Health, and he wanted to be a part of it.
What’s your job title, and what does it entail?
Director of Organizational Development in Human Resources. The Organizational Development department researches, evaluates and implements ways to develop our most important resource at USA Health – our people. We assess the needs of USA Health from a growth and development perspective and look for ways to improve the skills, the performance and the learning for leaders and staff alike.
What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
I work with good people in Human Resources. My passion is to move leaders and employees toward a common goal of improvement.
What originally made you want to join USA Health?
Having worked with USA Health for several years as a consultant, I liked what I saw in the people, the leadership, and the culture of USA Health, and I wanted to be a part of it.
How long have you been with USA Health?
18 months
What has working with USA Health taught you?
The larger the organization, the more perspectives there are that are just as important as yours.
Do you have any goals that you want to achieve in the health system?
I would like for us to be voted “Best Places to Work” by Modern Healthcare by the year 2025.
What is your favorite hobby or pastime outside of work?
I nerd out with nonfiction books that try to decipher what makes people tick. I haven’t got grandkids yet, but I am prepping for them by writing a children’s book called, “El Padre’s Bedtime Stories.” I hope to preserve our family’s stories for future generations.
Do you have any advice for people who want to work in the health system?
If you want to truly help people lead longer, better lives, come join us.