One of Us: Leah Musgrove
One of Us is a series that provides a glimpse into the working world of USA Health, one employee at a time.
What is your job title?
GME Program Coordinator III in Internal Medicine
What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
Interacting with the residents.
What originally made you want to join USA Health?
I was looking for a job, and there was a temporary position in the business office of Internal Medicine that sounded like something I would like.
How long have you been with USA Health?
Since about September 2016.
What has working with USA Health taught you?
That everyone brings something different to the job, and you need to be able to work with everyone to make the best environment. After all, you spend a lot of time at work.
What is your favorite hobby or pastime outside of work?
Playing with my grandchildren, scuba diving, ballroom dancing and working in the yard.
What advice would you give to people who want to work in the health system?
Find a position that meets your personal needs so that in performing that job to the best of your ability, you will be fulfilled and happy.