One of Us: Trevor Buckner
One of Us is a series that provides a glimpse into the working world of USA Health, one employee at a time.
What is your job title?
Supply inventory tech for the USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute.
I receive and organize the various supplies received throughout the day and deliver them to various pharmacies, research labs, etc. I deliver them as quickly as I can, because a lot of things we receive are temperature and time sensitive, such as research specimens and medicine for patients. My job is to keep the supply chain running as smoothly as I possibly can, so promptness is important.
I also work to digitize our invoices, so our amazing purchasing department can pay things quickly, as well as electronically receive in (and account for) lab supplies for quite a few labs in our lab outreach program. I also provide shipping supplies for those needing to send things out and facilitate those shipments each day. I feel like part of my job is to provide courteous service and some positivity to my co-workers.
What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
The people I’ve met. We have some truly interesting and hardworking people over here and, when they’re not crazy busy, I get to ask a question or two about what they’re doing and learn something. It’s also pretty great to see how excited the researchers get over some of their deliveries. An excited, passionate researcher is a good thing!
What originally made you want to join USA Health?
I wanted a change. I left the restaurant industry and came here because, if I wanted some change, I wanted it to be somewhere that made a positive difference in the community.
How long have you been with USA Health?
Five months! I started on February 22.
What has working with USA Health taught you?
Working at MCI has taught me that there is so much more to oncology than just chemo treatments -- from identifying genetic markers to preparing and possibly getting ahead of life-changing situations to the emotional toll and mental care of patients. Obviously, those are just a few, but there are so many aspects involved at the MCI.
Do you have any goals that you want to achieve in the health system?
Currently, I just want to continue doing whatever I can in my role to keep the supply chain running smoothly for the various departments, and I also want to continue positively representing the department of supplies, processing and distribution.
What is your favorite hobby or pastime outside of work?
I enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes, and I’m also a big gamer. I’m really into Apex Legends right now on Xbox. My grandma played video games, as does my mom and brother. It’s basically “coded” into our DNA.
Do you have any advice for people who want to work in the health system?
Treat everyone you encounter with respect and kindness. Particularly in the hospital setting, you really don’t know what someone might be going through that day. Sometimes just being kind really can make a difference.