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Open enrollment

New benefits open enrollment process rolling out in November for employees

A goal of the new program is to educate employees to better understand benefit options and to become more empowered to make cost-effective decisions.

Published Oct 10th, 2023

The University of South Alabama has announced a new process for this year’s benefits open enrollment and communications. Beginning Nov. 1, the university is partnering with Lockton Companies to launch an online benefits enrollment platform called Employee Navigator.

Employees with USA and USA Health will be required to login to the enrollment system to verify their enrolled dependents and to complete life insurance beneficiary designations. Employees also can make changes to their existing health insurance enrollment, enroll in new coverage, add or remove dependents, add vision coverage, enroll in South Flex for the 2024 plan year, and more.

For employees who do not make changes for the 2024 plan year, their current benefit enrollments will continue as elected.

The university also is offering a new service called Benefit Communication Insourcing. A benefit navigator will be available to provide information to employees about the university’s benefit offerings and provide enrollment assistance. The navigator will be available for individual benefit education sessions and provide extra assistance during open enrollment.

“Our goal is to educate employees to help them better understand their benefit options and to become more empowered to make educated and cost-effective benefit decisions,” said John Elliot, chief human resources officer for the university. “This will also increase employee awareness and appreciation of the benefit offerings provided to employees at the University of South Alabama.”

Additional information will be announced in the coming weeks through direct emails, the Daily Digest, and USA Health Insider. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 251-460-6133 or

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