Specials for USA and USA Health employees include discounts on scrubs and dermatology treatments. Please be sure to bring your employee badge to doctor visits to receive the discount.
Mobile Bay Magazine named three representatives from USA Health and the Whiddon College of Medicine to its annual 40 Under 40 class. Honorees are residents under the age of 40 who demonstrate leadership, professional excellence, and a commitment to the Mobile Bay area.
USA Health Insider
USA Health Insider is a weekly newsletter featuring news and insights for employees of USA Health as we fulfill our mission to help people lead longer, better lives. Please submit your story ideas to Bernie Dorrough at bdorrough@health.southalabama.edu.
USA Health researchers and clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on many health-related topics in the news.
Congratulations to the five faculty and staff members from USA Health who were selected for Mobile Bay Magazine’s current 40 Under 40 listing.
Researchers identified MYB as a target protein of interest in the treatment of certain prostate cancer patients.
Each week, we capture images from construction, expansion and renovations occurring across USA Health.
Language translation services are available for patients upon demand in several formats: audio and print in 125 languages and dialects, and video in 40 languages, including American Sign Language.
A new process for submitting contracts will allow for a more efficient tracking capability and administration of the Contract Approval and Tracking System.
Specials for USA and USA Health employees include discounts on scrubs and dermatology treatments. Please be sure to bring your employee badge to doctor visits to receive the discount.
Effective Jan. 1, 2022, Prime Therapeutics became the new pharmacy benefit manager for USA’s Blue Cross Blue Shield plans.
Updates to the Employee Infection and Exposures Contingency Plan include new protocols for when employees must be tested for COVID-19 and when they may return to work after an illness or exposure.
USA Health researchers and clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on many health-related topics in the news.
USA Health regularly recognizes employees for going above and beyond in caring for patients and providing high quality customer service.