USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.
The Coker family hopes sharing DeVyn’s experience may help others who are fighting similar battles: “God knew that she was the strongest of us all. She is the strongest and most gracious warrior we know.”
USA Health Insider is a weekly newsletter featuring news and insights for employees of USA Health as we fulfill our mission to help people lead longer, better lives. Please submit your story ideas to Carol McPhail at cmcphail@health.southalabama.edu
USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.
Research shows that 46% of car seats are not used correctly. Using age- and size-appropriate car seats and installing them correctly are the best ways to reduce crash deaths among children.
The training will be offered Friday, July 21, at the University of South Alabama. Registration is required.
Most people describe insomnia as problems with getting to sleep, staying asleep, and/or waking up too early. Almost always, the answer is not taking a sedative, but rather changing their behavior.
We regularly share images from construction, expansion and renovations occurring across USA Health's locations.
USA Health regularly recognizes employees for going above and beyond in caring for patients and providing high-quality customer service.
USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.
“Owen is a true servant leader who understands the importance of meeting the needs of our team members and the community,” said John V. Marymont, M.D., M.B.A., vice president for medical affairs and dean of the Whiddon College of Medicine.
Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women, accounting for more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. Only about 20% of cases are diagnosed at an early stage, when ovarian cancer is more treatable.
Rachel Seaman, M.D., and Nathan Polite, D.O., will work with existing programs to create and lead projects that drive improvements in quality, safety and patient satisfaction.
During the yearlong program, residents spend rotations being exposed to a variety of experiences including adult medicine, pediatrics, critical care, ambulatory care, and administration.
If you set the oven to 400 degrees and roast almost any vegetables with olive oil, salt and pepper, they will come out great. Canned tomatoes plus onions or garlic make a great sauce for shrimp, sausage or meatballs.