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USA Health Insider

USA Health Insider is a weekly newsletter featuring news and insights for employees of USA Health as we fulfill our mission to help people lead longer, better lives. Please submit your story ideas to Carol McPhail at

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In the News: March 28

USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.

Posted 1 year agoRead Story >
Specials for You: March 2023

March specials for employees include discounts on treatments and savings on skin care procedures and products. Please be sure to bring your employee badge to receive the discount.

Posted 1 year agoRead Story >
Wellness@Work: What to know about colon cancer screenings

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society, and it’s largely attributed to the fact that it doesn’t cause symptoms until it’s very advanced. That makes your regular screenings even more important.

Posted 1 year agoRead Story >
What a Great Catch: March 21

Great Catch awards are given to employees for instances in which they spoke up for safety, escalated concerns, and went above and beyond the scope of their typical job duties. Each quarter, Safety MVPs are chosen for recognition from all Great Catch award winners for each USA Health facility.

Posted 1 year agoRead Story >
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