Submit a remarkable patient story for A Night Honoring Healers
USA Health’s signature event features videos highlighting two remarkable stories about patients and their care team members.
Patient story submissions are now being accepted for A Night Honoring Healers, USA Health’s signature event.
The event features two videos highlighting the remarkable stories of our patients and the USA Health care team members who provided them with exceptional, compassionate care.
Story nominations should be sent to healers@health.southalabama.edu. Within the email, please provide the following information:
- Name and age of patient
- USA Health entity or entities where the patient received care
- Name and email address of a staff contact (if more details are needed)
- A short explanation of the patient story
Proposed stories should be submitted by Wednesday, Feb. 28. For questions regarding A Night Honoring Healers, please contact Casey Hitson in Development at caseyhitson@southalabama.edu or 251-460-6209.