USA Health Providence hosts its 40th tree-lighting ceremony
“It was an incredible night to begin our holiday season of light and love,” said Kim Crawford Meeks, USA Health spiritual care and counseling manager.
USA Health Providence celebrated its 40th “Light Up the Heart of Someone You Love” Christmas Tree Lighting Nov. 21 in the main lobby of the hospital. The event, a project of the Providence Auxiliary, raises funds for the needs of the hospital and those it serves.
Donors honor or remember people who have been special in their lives by purchasing lights for the tree. Scrolls with the names of those who have donated or have been memorialized are displayed in the lobby throughout the holiday season.
“When families see their loved ones’ names on the scrolls, some have tears and some smiles,” said Karen Dixon, manager of volunteer services at Providence. “One man asked me to help him find his wife's name on the scroll. She had just passed away a few months ago. He said, ‘This is so touching, I hope I can come every year.’ This is what makes it so special.”
Rick Metzger, MMHC, BSN, CEO of Providence Hospital, welcomed employees and guests in attendance and recognized the Daughters of Charity, who founded Providence Hospital in 1854.
Sister Louise Busby offered a prayer, and Chaplain Kim Crawford Meeks blessed the tree. Jamey Greer, administrative director of operations and safety officer, led the audience in a spirited sing-along of Christmas songs.
“It was an incredible night to begin our holiday season of light and love,” Crawford Meeks said.
Donors and those honored were invited to the ceremony and a reception hosted by the Providence Auxiliary in the DePaul Center.