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Have questions about retirement?

Need help choosing a retirement or financial plan? AIG Retirement Services and TIAA can help provide answers.

Published Mar 22nd, 2021

If you have questions about the benefits of a retirement plan, or need help creating a financial plan or choosing investments, AIG Retirement Services and TIAA can help provide answers.


AIG Retirement Services financial representatives are able to meet with employees regarding their retirement plan by phone, FaceTime or WebEx. David Walker, Certified Financial Planning Advisor, will provide these services to our employees. Schedule a virtual meeting to discuss:

  • The benefits of enrolling in a retirement plan
  • Creating a financial plan designed with your goals in mind
  • Information and guidance based on your own personal needs and situation

You can go online to schedule a virtual or phone appointment, or you can email Walker at


TIAA can provide assistance with:

  • Enrolling or choosing investments in your retirement plan
  • Consolidating your previous employer retirement plans or IRAs
  • Holistic retirement planning

Follow the steps listed below to schedule an appointment, or directly email your dedicated financial consultant.

Go to:

Scroll down on the page until you see the yellow button that says “SCHEDULE NOW.”


You will be taken to a page that shows a calendar with open appointments for all USA entities. Be sure you are on the “At Your Workplace” tab which provides dedicated appointment times for USA employees.

Select the month you want to look at and then select the appointment date and time. You will be required to provide additional information. It’s just that easy!

You can also reach out to our dedicated TIAA financial consultant(s) via email to schedule a time that works better for you: Contact Jared Gilbert at or Brad Propst at

As always, if you need immediate assistance for questions about your account, transactions, or the website, call the National Contact Center at 800-842-2252, weekdays, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (CST).

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