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Thakur invited to speak at the North American Skull Base Society Annual Meeting

Thakur invited to speak at the North American Skull Base Society Annual Meeting

Thakur gave three lectures during the meeting covering different aspects of skull base surgery.

Published Dec 20th, 2022
Thakur invited to speak at the North American Skull Base Society Annual Meeting

Jai Thakur, M.D., director of minimally invasive cranial and skull base neurosurgery at USA Health, was invited to deliver lectures at the North American Skull Base Society Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona earlier this year.

Thakur gave three lectures during the meeting covering different aspects of skull base surgery:

  1. Skull Base Complication Avoidance: Lessons Learned in the First Year of Practice
  2. Far Lateral Approach for Skull Base Pathology
  3. Open Approaches to the Anterior Skull Base – Nuances and Pearls

D. Nikki Chason, CRNP, a nurse practitioner at USA Health Neurosurgery, accompanied Thakur to discuss a procedure they performed together. The duo used an eyebrow incision to successfully remove a large skull base meningioma that had invaded the patient’s optic canal, resulting in near blindness.

Thakur said this technique is an innovative approach that has yet to be published.

Originally founded in 1989, the North American Skull Base Society is a professional medical society facilitating knowledge exchange and innovative discussion between surgeons and students worldwide and serves as the most popular platform in the world for skull base surgeons in neurosurgery, ENT surgery, neuro-ophthalmology and oncology.

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