Toy donations accepted until Dec. 7 for Dumas Wesley Drive
Employees should check with department managers for donation locations and for what age group their department is collecting the new toys.
To help make the holidays brighter for children, USA Health University Hospital is holding a toy drive for the Dumas Wesley Community Center.
Donations are being accepted until Monday, Dec. 7.
Employees should check with department managers for donation locations and for what age group their department is collecting the new toys.
This is the 18th year University Hospital employees have taken part in the toy drive with thousands of dollars’ worth of toys delivered to Dumas Wesley each year for the special sale. Dumas Wesley is a neighborhood based non-profit organization located near University Hospital on Mobile Street.
Staff members at University Hospital have been the largest donors for the sale for many years.
The toy sale, held each year in mid-December, allows at least 65 families an opportunity to buy new gifts for children at greatly reduced prices. Bicycles that might cost $60 at a local retailer will be priced at $15 or so during the special sale. A unique element to the sale is that parents and caregivers are able to pick out items they know their children will like.
The Dumas Wesley Community Center staff selects those who are eligible to join the sale, pulling heavily from the surrounding Crichton Community in Mobile. The majority of households surrounding Dumas Wesley are headed by single mothers with an average family income of less than $20,000 per year.
Nearly 70 percent of clients served directly by the center are considered low-income. In 2019, the community center provided 312,052 direct services for low-income families, vulnerable seniors, at-risk youth and homeless families