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Wellness@Work: How to Breathe for Better Focus (and More!)

Wellness@Work: How to Breathe for Better Focus (and More!)

Ever wanted to hit the reset button on your day? It’s possible! Just take a few minutes to practice this simple breathing technique to restore balance and sharpen your focus—and that’s just the beginning.

Published Jan 17th, 2023

Breathing seems simple, right? It happens all day long, and you don’t have to give it a second thought. But you can.

Breathing is both involuntary and voluntary, meaning you can control it, and when you do, you have the power to change the physiology of your body, by lowering blood pressure and heart rate, for example.

Alternate-nostril breathing is one such breathing exercise that can also help you manage stress and be more mindful, which helps you to feel more focused.

Just as it sounds, this exercise is practiced by breathing through one nostril while holding the other shut, then switching nostrils and repeating the process.

This exercise works by using awareness to slow down breathing, and that is key for helping to regulate the nervous system. Controlled deep breathing activates the relaxation response, which can help reduce stress. Constant stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Additionally, deep breathing can lower heart rate and blood pressure. Research shows alternate-nostril breathing can help improve lung function by improving oxygen flow and strengthening the muscles of respiration to help clear the lungs of mucus.

How to practice alternate-nostril breathing

Sit in a comfortable position at your desk. Exhale completely, then gently close your right nostril with your right thumb.

Inhale through your left nostril, then close the left nostril with your index finger.

Open right nostril and exhale through this side. Inhale through right nostril and then close this nostril.

Open left nostril and exhale through left side. This is one cycle.

Continue for up to 5 minutes. If possible, eventually work up to 10 minutes of breathing, as this has shown to provide the most benefits.

Avoid this practice while driving, operating machinery or doing anything else that needs your focus.

Practicing alternate-nostril breathing is safe for most people. But consult your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition such as asthma, COPD, or any other lung or heart concern.

When to practice alternate-nostril breathing

Any time is appropriate to practice alternate-nostril breathing. But it can be helpful during the day when you need to focus or reset. It’s best done on an empty stomach. If you’re sick or congested, avoid the practice until you are well.

About the author: Michelle Ryan, an E-RYT 200 yoga instructor, works as a marketing specialist for USA Health.

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