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Wellness@Work: A dish to transition to fall grilling 

Wellness@Work: A dish to transition to fall grilling 

Eggplant is such a great summer vegetable, but it’s sometimes hard to come up with dishes that highlight its flavor. This recipe does it proud by pairing juicy chicken skewers with a delicious eggplant dip.

Published Oct 3rd, 2023

By Robert Israel, M.D.
USA Health Integrative Health and Wellness

Wow, what a difference a little temperature change makes! A couple of days ago, I started the day with a walk under the stars and at least four very bright planets, and it was finally pleasant!   

It gave me hope that we are going to come out the other side of this unbearably hot summer, and that got me thinking about my grill. Then I came across this recipe in the Wall Street Journal by Hawaiian chef Robynne Maii for Grilled Chicken and Sweet Pepper Skewers With Eggplant Caponata.

The entire dish came together in 30 to 40 minutes and was fun to make. It’s already going on my list of go-to dishes for the fall. Eggplant is such a great summer vegetable, but it’s sometimes hard to come up with dishes that highlight its flavor. This recipe does it proud by pairing juicy chicken skewers with a delicious eggplant dip. 

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