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Winners named in safety holiday decorating contest

The holiday decorating contest focused on the safety tool SBAR, which is content-based formatting for communicating information about a patient, project or situation. The safety and reliability phrase for this tool is, “Let me give you the SBAR.”

Published Jan 1st, 2024

USA Health departments competed in a holiday decorating contest illustrating the safety technique SBAR, an acronym used to communicate information about a patient, project or situation. The entries’ themes ranged from the Grinch and Santa Claus to reindeer and safety songs.

At Children’s & Women’s Hospital, three winners tied for first place: Women’s Complex Care, High-Risk OB, and Mother-Baby. At University Hospital, the winning departments created musical presentations to go with their decorations. Trauma took first place with a jazzy song, while the GI Lab placed second with a rap number.

The safety holiday decorating contest began Dec. 11, with the winners announced the week of Dec. 18.

SBAR stands for:

  • Situation: What is the situation, patient or project?
  • Background: What is important to communicate, including problems and precautions?
  • Assessment: What is my assessment of the situation, problems and precautions?
  • Recommendation/request: What is my recommendation, request or plan?


GI Lab
High-Risk OB
Mother-Baby Unit
Women’s Complex Care Unit

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