The project led by Steve Lim, Ph.D., is aimed at reducing plaque-building macrophages by inhibiting focal adhesion kinase activity.
During the visit, players and cheer leaders were divided into groups and fanned out across the hospital, visiting multiple areas. Some of the players sent greetings from the doorways of patients who were too sick to leave their beds.
News at USA Health
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Meghan Hermance, Ph.D., assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at the USA College of Medicine, was awarded a $423,500 grant to evaluate the ability of the Asian longhorned tick to maintain and transmit diseases typically found in North America.
Renee Rogers was one of 10 healthcare providers selected out of more than 400 nominations from across the state.
The clinic at the Strada Patient Care Center will serve middle school, high school and collegiate athletes.
Sandra Parker, M.D., new chair of psychiatry at the USA College of Medicine, served as vice-chair and associate professor of the department from January 2009 until July 2021.
USA College of Medicine scientists have been studying fleas – specifically the microscopic salivary glands of cat fleas – as evidence suggests several diseases are transmitted through the parasite’s infected spit.
The U.S. Department of Defense awarded researchers at the University of South Alabama College of Medicine two grants, totaling more than $1.07 million, to study the replication of mitochondrial DNA.
Proceeds from the event benefits gynecologic cancer research at the USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute.
Ann Payne-Johnson, M.D., brings an extensive history in fitness training and wellness coaching to her new position at USA Health.
Sanchez is accepting new patients at the neurology specialty clinic at USA Health Strada Patient Care Center.
Dean Naritoku, M.D., contributed to the Seizure Safe Schools Act, which allows for rescue medications to be accessible to young epileptic students when a school nurse is not.
Will the vaccine affect my DNA or my fertility? Get answers to the most common questions about the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in this list of FAQs.