Healthy Holiday Menu Options
Phyllus Justice, MPH, RD, CDE, a diabetes resource coordinator with USA Health Mobile Diagnostic Center, offers her favorite healthy holiday recipes that are low in fat and calories but high in flavor
Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Thyme and Rosemary
- Cook time: 40 minutes
- Serves 4
- Ingredients:
- 2 pounds sweet potatoes
- Handful of thyme
- Handful of rosemary
- Olive oil to coat
- Preparation:
- Peel the sweet potatoes and slice into cubes.
- Coat with olive oil.
- Chop rosemary and thyme fairly fine and toss with sweet potatoes.
- Put in roasting pan in oven at 400 degrees 40-45 minutes, or until they are tender to fork.
Double Layer Pumpkin Pie
- Serves 8
- Ingredients:
- 4 ounces light cream cheese, softened
- 1 tablespoon milk
- 1 tablespoon Splenda
- 1 ½ cups thawed Lite Cool Whip (or fat-free)
- 1 reduced-fat graham cracker pie crust
- 1 (12-ounce) evaporated skim milk, cold
- 2 packages (4-serving size) sugar-free Jell-O vanilla instant pudding
- 1 (16-ounce) can pumpkin
- 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
- Preparation:
- Mix cream cheese, 1 tablespoon milk and Splenda in large bowl with wire whisk until smooth. Stir in Cool Whip. Spread on bottom of crust.
- Pour evaporated skim milk into bowl. Add pudding and beat with whisk 1 to 2 minutes until well blended. (Mixture will be thick.) Stir in pumpkin and spice with whisk. Mix well. Spread over cream cheese layer. Refrigerate at least 3 hours.