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Yanni-Leei Larry Lee, M.D.

Yann-Leei Larry Lee, M.D.

Trauma/Emergency General SurgeonAssistant Professor of SurgerySpecialty: Trauma, Surgery

Conditions Treated

  • Emergency General Surgery
  • Trauma Surgery

About Yann-Leei Larry Lee, M.D.

Dr. Larry Lee is an assistant professor within the Department of Surgery and serves as a trauma surgeon within the Division of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery & Burns.

Dr. Lee was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and grew up in Auburn, Alabama. He studied biomedical engineering and biotechnology at Johns Hopkins University before completing his medical degree at the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. He also completed a residency in general surgery and a surgical research fellowship at USA Health. Most recently, he completed a critical care fellowship at Johns Hopkins University.

Heading into medical school, Dr. Lee was planning to pursue immunology when a trauma surgery case in his third year at USA took him in a new direction. He described the case where he was part of a team that completed open cardiac massage and internal defibrillation. As an early third-year medical student, this was the “benchmark” that he measured the rest of his year against and nothing else compared. He returned to USA Health University Hospital to pursue an academic career in surgery with a team he knows well.


  • Medical School: University of South Alabama College of Medicine | Mobile, AL
  • Residency: University of South Alabama College of Medicine | Mobile, AL
  • Research Fellow: University of South Alabama College of Medicine | Mobile, AL
  • Fellowship: Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Surgery

Professional Memberships

  • Mobile Medical Society
  • Medical Association of the State of Alabama
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Heart Association
  • Association for Academic Surgery


  • English

Selected Publications

  1. Lee YL, King M, Gillespie MN, Gonzalez RP, Brevard SB, Frotan MA, Richards WB, and Simmons JD, Blood Transfusion Products Contain Mitochondrial DNA DAMPS: A Potential Effector of Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury, manuscript in revision
  2. YL Lee, JD Simmons, MN Gillespie, DF Alvarez, RP Gonzalez, SB Brevard, MA Frotan, AM Schneider, and WO Richards, Sublingual Microscopy as a Measure of Tissue Perfusion in Trauma, manuscript pending review
  3. Simmons JD, Lee YL, Mulekar S, Hill JK, Brevard SB, Gonzalez RP, Gillespie MN, and Richards WO., Elevated Levels of Plasma Mitochondrial DNA DAMPs are Linked to Clinical Outcome in Severely-Injured Human Subjects, Ann Surg. 2013 Oct;258(4):591-6


  1. Lee YL, King M, Gillespie MN, Gonzalez RP, Brevard SB, Frotan MA, Richards WB, and Simmons JD, Blood Transfusion Products Contain Mitochondrial DNA DAMPS: A Potential Effector of Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury, Journal of Surgical Research Vol. 186, Issue 2, Page 509
  2. Butts CC, Rostas JW, Lee YL, Ahmed N, Frotan MA, Brevard SB, Gonzalez RP, and Simmons JD., Larger ATV Engine Size correlates with lntracrania/ Hemorrhage, pending review
  3. Lee YL, Schneider A, Simmons JD, and Richards WO., Sublingua/ Microscopy as a Measure of Tissue Perfusion in Trauma, Journal of Surgical Research Vol. 179, Issue 2, Page 320

Presentations at Professional Meetings

  1. Y.L. Lee,P.F. O'Brien, S. Mulekar, V. Pastukh, 0. Gorodnya, M. Ruchko, G. Bardwell, J.D. Simmons, and M.N. Gillespie, Formation of Mitochondrial (mt) DNA Damage Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) After Severe Injury: Potential Role of Oxidative mtDNA Damage, accepted for presentation at American Thoracic Society 2014
  2. Y.L. Lee,B.O. Obiako, J. Chouteau, J.D. Simmons, M.N. Gillespie, Mitochondrially-targeted DNA Glycosylase Ogg1 Inhibits Multiple Organ Dysfunction and Mortality in a Rat Model of Pseudomonas Sepsis, accepted for presentation at American Thoracic Society 2014
  3. Lee YL, King M, Gillespie MN, Gonzalez RP, Brevard SB, Frotan MA, Richards WB, and Simmons JD, Blood Transfusion Products Contain Mitochondrial DNA DAMPS: A Potential Effector of Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury, presented at Academic Surgical Congress 2014
  4. Lee YL, O'Brien PF, Pastukh V, Ruchko M, Mulekar S, Gonzalez RP, Gillespie MN, and Simmons JD, Oxidative Mitochondrial (mt) DNA Damage as a Mechanism for Trauma-Induced mtDNA DAMP Production, Region 4 Winner, Basic Sciences division, American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Paper Competition 2013
  5. Lee YL, Simmons JD, Mulekar S, Hill JK, Gonzalez RP, Brevard SB, Gillespie MN, and Richards WO, Elevated mtDNA DAMPs are Linked to Outcome in Severely Injured Patients, Winner of Resident Poster Competition, Alabama Chapter of the American College of Surgeons 2013
  6. YL Lee, A Schneider, JD Simmons, WO Richards, Sublingual Microscopy as a Measure of Tissue Perfusion in Trauma, presentation at Academic Surgical Congress 2013
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