2B Choices for Women (Mobile)
Provides free pregnancy tests, parenting education, community referrals, and limited material assistance for pregnant and parenting women. Birthfathers are welcome. Offers “Earn while you learn” classes for moms while pregnant and for parents with children younger than 30 months. Hablamos Español.
Address: 188 S Florida St., Mobile, AL 36606
Mandeme un mensaje por Whatsapp: 251-279-0389
Phone: 251-343-4636
2B Choices for Women (Robertsdale)
Provides free pregnancy tests, parenting education, community referrals, and limited material assistance for pregnant and parenting women. Birthfathers are welcome. Offers “Earn while you learn” classes for moms while pregnant and for parents with children younger than 30 months.
Address: 23010 Hwy. 59 North, Robertsdale, AL 36567
Mandeme un mensaje por Whatsapp: 251-279-0389
Phone: 251-923-3305
Catholic Social Services
Provides counseling and parenting classes.
Address: 188 S Florida St., Mobile, AL 36606
Phone: 251-434-1550
Coastal Family Partners
This program for expectant parents and parents of children ages 0-5 who live in Mobile, Washington, or Choctaw counties utilizes a parents-as-teachers model. Family visits are once or twice per month. Learning supplies and access to a resource network are provided.
Website: www.coastalfamilypartners.com
Phone: 251-380-6084
Family Center of Mobile: Positive Parenting Classes
Also provides other parent/family educational programs.
Website: familycentermobile.org/positive-parenting-classes/
Address: 601 Bel Air Blvd., Suite 100, Mobile, AL 36606
Phone Number: 251-479-5700
Family Center (Robertsdale)
Offers parenting classes, as well as other parent/family educational programs.
Address: 22671 Hwy. 59 South, Robertsdale, AL 36567
Phone: 251-947-4700
Nurse-Family Partnership
This program for women at least 28 weeks pregnant who are Medicaid-eligible and live in Mobile, Baldwin, Escambia, or Conecuh counties provides a nurse who will support you in having a healthy pregnancy and baby, becoming the best parent you can be, and learning things that will make you more confident with various parenting skills. Nurses also provide referrals and share information about resources available in your area.
Referrals: Talk to your healthcare provider about receiving a referral.
Women’s Resource Center
Provides parenting and pregnancy classes. By attending classes, clients can earn points that they can use to obtain baby items through the Baby Boutique. Other programs and services include pregnancy testing, STI testing and treatment, and counseling (including a miscarriage support group and a post-abortion recovery program).
Mobile: 718 Downtowner Loop W, Mobile, AL 36609, Phone: 251-344-4357
Semmes: 4276 McCrary Road, Semmes, AL 36575, Phone: 251-675-0911
Saraland: 611 Norton Ave., Saraland, AL, Phone: 251-662-9933