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Hanes urogynecology 2022 02 28 190803 duce


Urogynecology is dedicated to the treatment of women with pelvic floor disorders. Requests for appointments can be made without a referral and usually can be scheduled within 72 hours.

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Urogynecology at USA Health

Urogynecology is a subspecialty devoted to the treatment of pelvic floor disorders. Pelvic floor is the term for the set of muscles in the bottom of the pelvis that support pelvic organs including the bladder, uterus and rectum. Disorders of the pelvic floor include urinary or fecal incontinence, emptying disorders, overactive bladder, vaginal pain or pain during intercourse, fistulas and prolapse or bulging of the bladder, uterus or rectum through the vaginal opening.

Our urogynecologic services include:

Incontinence Evaluation
Incontinence is a very common condition. Our specialists use a variety of techniques to evaluate the cause and severity of your incontinence so they can devise a treatment plan that fits you. We also evaluate previous unsuccessful treatments and provide second opinions. We offer both medical and surgical treatment options.

Urodynamic Studies
A urodynamic study evaluates how well the bladder and urethra hold and release urine. This procedure is used to diagnose the causes of conditions such as incontinence, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), and problems with urination.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse occurs as a result of weakness of the pelvic floor usually resulting from vaginal birth or hysterectomy. The most common complaint is vaginal pressure or the presence of a bulge in the vagina that may protrude through the vaginal opening. Both surgical and non-surgical options are available for treatment.

Correction of Mesh-Related Complications
The use of mesh in vaginal surgery was quite common until 2012 when many products were taken off the market due to complications. In most cases these problems can be corrected by surgery to remove or revise the mesh. USA Health Urogynecology has vast experience with this type of corrective surgery.

Pelvic and Vaginal Pain
Different modalities of treatment and evaluation of pelvic pain are available.

Urogynecology Providers

USA Health offers specialists in every area of urogynecology.

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An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


On March 29, USA Health Mobile Unit is coming to you! This event will provide free PSA screenings for qualified groups.


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


Local Goodness, presented by the USA Foundation, is a farm-to-table event that pays tribute to local cuisine and music while raising awareness and support for USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital.


Our calendar lists special events and regularly scheduled classes separately. To display a list of upcoming classes, select the "Classes" option above or visit Events, Classes and Support Groups at USA Health.

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